“Mission: Polyclinic.” Svaboda’s new web game set in a Belarusian polyclinic

Submitting appointment slips. Queuing up in front of the doctor’s office. Collecting official stamps for one’s medical passbook. All these are activities one must endure during a routine visit to a Belarusian polyclinic. This often maddening quest through the bureaucratic med-labyrinth inspired us to create our newest web game, which we call “Mission: Polyclinic.”

This often maddening quest through the bureaucratic med-labyrinth inspired us to create our newest web game, which we call “Mission: Polyclinic.”

MP is a bit like Super Mario. Our protagonist is the average Belarusian patient. In order to secure a doctor’s appointment, he must pass through five bureaucratic hurdles, encountering various obstacles (surly nurses, grumpy fellow queuers, etc.) along the way.

At every stage in his quest, the patient is variously required to collect such things as appointment slips, clothes check passes, or vials for body fluid samples. Failure to secure any of these prevents him from reaching the next level of proximity to an actual doctor.

In order to accurately convey the atmosphere in a contemporary Belarusian polyclinic, we’ve added some typical catchphrases of the milieu: “I just wanted to ask…” “Do you have your chest x-ray?” Who’s last in line without an appointment slip?”

Although the game is propelled by true-to-life scenarios, the images and interiors are completely make-believe, and bear no resemblance to actual persons or medical establishments. Any similarity to same is purely coincidental.

Are you up the challenges facing you as you try to secure an appointment with a Belarusian doctor? Will your nerves survive the quest?

Test how well you will manage, and share your results in the social networks.

Mission Polyclinic. Start game